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promoting a blog

Admit it:
Everyone, who's writing a travel / photo / private / what-ever-blog wants, some day, some traffic / visitors – right?
Otherwise you wouldn't publish / create public articles but you would just have your blog offline either on your own hard disk or written on the good ol' piece of paper.

That's the reason why I tried out Triond (which, from my point of view, sux coz you have to write each and every article / blog-post twice - 1x for your own blog, and then for Triond again. MIGHT BE that I don't understand how Triond works… but hey – maybe YOU could give me a real instruction?) and really using Yahoo's MyBlogLog service (which I think is great – mostly coz it's much much easier than Triond).

Not to ignore such "classic services" like FeedBurner , Technorati and all the others which are more or less working the same way but have different "target groups".

Now I found a new service: BloggersBase , which works similar like Triond – but with the advantage of RSS-feed posting.
That gives me not only the option that my blog(s) might get read by more people but also, thanks to the RSS option, I only have to write the post once – in my blog itself and BloggersBase is getting the post via RSS.

Let's play a little bit around with BloggersBase and see what happens – maybe it's really better then Triond as I understand it at the moment…

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