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Bite.SMS for iPhone – Price Comparison

Due to the fact that my 30-day-trial of biteSMS (*) expired, I started a rough “price comparison” on all the Bite.SMS prices…

Acc to my research, if your “home currency” is EUR …
- you should buy the Full License (= excl any SMS to send) in the currency of GBP
- you should buy SMS credits only in the currency of SGD

-hope the table is working  --  if not pls leave a comment-

The original Excel sheet can be downloaded HERE ; The original prices can be found on the website of biteSMS

If you’re “home currency” is not EUR – just download the Excel file and change the corresponding data accordingly – that’s really not much work and will take max. 5 minutes :-)

If there’s nuff feedback from YOU I will think bout to update the table with up-to-date data every few days… so – let me know what YOU think bout this!

(*) What exactly IS Bite.SMS ?!?
Here I allow me to quote the original text from their website

You love your iPhone as much as we do? You text all the time? Want more features? Then biteSMS is for you, with lots of extra features like smileys, Quick Reply, Quick Compose/Quick Call, Privacy, a character/SMS counter and much more!

You can use biteSMS as a replacement to the built-in Messaging application, and send messages via your mobile carrier as you normally do. Or, if your mobile carrier charges a lot for sending SMS messages (say texting to overseas), you can buy credits and send them via the biteSMS network instead, which can be much cheaper.

So, it’s not only a “landscape mod” for the SMS feature of the iPhone – but also a quite good way to reduce those “SMS charges” (especially if you SMS outside of your own country).