… since I’ve made here any updates – sorry for that!
But the last few weeks I was quite too busy with my new love – GOLF ;-)
So, what happened exactly the last 2 months?
IT things… Finally updated / upgraded my iPhone 3GS to the iOS 4.0.1 incl the JB – thanks for this again to the DevTeam.
These guys are GREAT!
Would never use an iPhone w/ out some JB-features (SBSettings is IMHO smth that should be implemented officially by Apple – this is one of the best JB-features ever!).
At the same time my 1TB external HDD died … *sob sob* lost all my vids, pics & mp3 :-(
Acc to Maxtor / Seagate they only change the HDD with a new one – but no data-recovery :-( this will cost what? EUR 1k acc to several webistes? Have to find here a solution somewhere else…
Found these days a real cool tip how I, living outside the US, would be able to watch HULU – but after the first try, which was a real success, this trick doesn’t work anymore… :-( Looks I have to *Shhhhh…. don’t tell* return to the torrents to watch “my” US-shows…
Did you knew that TRAVELPOD started a new cool feature, called TRIPWOW ?!?
I didn’t until someone posted a comment on one of my pods…
Check it out here for my
trip to Thailand back in 2007
Golf things…
Me gets better and better in this “game”… or is it a lifestyle? A philosophy? Don’t know… but I love this game :-D
Was even able to get a better handicap – now I’m no longer a 54-starter player but a 51-player ;-)
One of those golf forum guys I know also in person participated at the same tournament than me – he was able to get HCP 36 at this tournament while I haven’t improved any. Believe it or not – when we met at the 19th hole he was more or less masturbating on his scorecard coz He Is The Man… sorry – but that’s sick.
Only coz he was having one good day where he was able to make such a big handicap improvement doesn’t mean he’s a better golfer… when I take a look at my private rounds I know that my un-official handicap is also 36 (and better).
To give you an impression on my golf results you’re welcome to visit my “golf site” here.
Following chart will give you also a rough & quick impression about my golfing progress… doesn’t look that bad – if you keep in mind that I’m playing golf now for less than 1 year, right? ;-)
Most on this sport I like is the fact that I can fully relax – going on a 6 to 7 km walk, hitting some white balls from time to time, having a chance to see really nice landscape & animals… it’s really a good way to “get rid of office stress”.
Work related Back on Friday I was told that I have the “permission” to go to an exhibition down in J’Burg in October – by my own!
Looks like 10 years in this company are finally worth the trouble and grey hairs ;-)
And, if everything’s going smooth and Doug is willing / in the mood to, I’ll be also able not only to be there for work but also for 1 or 2 rounds of golf in South Africa – have heard the courses there are GREAT… *keke*
More on this will follow of course – maybe even with a separate Travelpod… you’ll be the first to know :-)
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