Just received following message from BloggersBase:
The weekly competition at BloggersBase has just ended and you ranked first out of the 13 that published Nuggets in the Health, Sports & Fitness Goldmine.
This means that you have earned the opportunity to publish posts to the surface Health, Sports & Fitness blog for the next week.
Publish posts to the Health, Sports & Fitness blog during the next week to gain more exposure and traffic
'scuse me?!? Have I missed somewhere something important…?
Okay – I thank ALL those people who have voted for my post – but c'mon… it was just a not-so-great entry 'bout my upcoming golf career… ;-)
Not much sport inside – not to mention any health or fitness tips *hehe*
The only "problem" that I see here is: there won't be any nice golf or other fitness / sport entries in the near future. Not as long as I haven't passed the necessary golf license… sorry – don't blame me, blame the German Golf Association ;-)
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