As mentioned a few posts earlier I not only started to play golf but I also will have the chance to "practice my swing" down in Asia for a few hours.
So I thought it would be a quite nice for all you (German) golfers which are planning to go on a vacation down to Asia (not only to golf there) to have a rough overview of the prices.
First of all, I suggest to visit a website like where you can find a detailed golf course listing of more or less all golf courses in South East Asia (like Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia…) and course reviews.
On alternative would be – more or less the same information but also for the rest of the world.
Unfortunately I have noticed that some golf clubs / golf courses don't have a website – or, if they have a website, the site itself sux.
Now, after you have found "your" preferred golf course the interesting part starts – the prices.
To cut a long story short, I try to give you a rough roundup… based on my destination Batam – but in general you can say that the prices will not differ much.
Please keep in mind that the mentioned prices are always for non-members and, of course, subject to change anytime! As I have mentioned earlier, many websites (esp. in Indonesia) are (always) under construction or not updated on a regular base.
Pro Coaching
In Germany 60 minutes pro coaching costs you around EUR 50.00 in average.
In Batam (Indonesia, where I stay) you pay only EUR 20.00 to 25.00 in average.
Driving Range
At the golf club Schloss Monrepos (Ludwigsburg) you pay EUR 2.00 for 20 balls; at the golf club Schloss Nippenburg (Schwieberdingen) you pay EUR 20.00 range fee – but get unlimited balls for practice.
In the golf club Bukit Darmo (Batam) for example you get (as a non-member!) 100 balls for around EUR 1.87
In Germany the Greenfee is in average between EUR 70.00 and EUR 90.00 (for non-members), depending on the day of the week when you wanna play.
In Indonesia it's a bit difficult to tell the pure greenfee. Especially in Batam the clubs mostly offer "stay-and-golf" packages where the mentioned price is incl. the stay in the hotel, too.
But after my research I can say that only the greenfee is something around EUR 40.00 to 60.00 in average.
In Germany golf is expensive – in other countries, especially in Asia, it's cheap. If you have any EUROS in your pocket ;-)
After all I would always try to get at least some pro coaching down in Asia if I have the chance to – not only because the weather is much more comfortable but also I pay more than 50% less for the same service than here in Germany.
What are YOUR experiences with the price differences between Germany and other countries?
Do YOU try to get on the golf course during your vacation – even if you haven't booked a special golf tour?
What does YOUR partner, if he / she is not playing golf, thinking about a sentence like "Honey, we're on vacation – you go shopping, I go on the driving range." ?
And why (yes, I'm really interested in your opinion!) do you think golf is here in Germany still a sport for only "the rich & beautiful"? (and you have admit it – driving a Porsche or Mercedes here in the Stuttgart area does NOT mean that you are rich! It only indicates that you have mostly a company car *hehe*)
Don't you think it's a bit unfair that in other countries every Tom, Dick and Harry can play golf for paying only a fraction compared to the German prices? (I'm talking here about the sport itself – not the "club life" which is written on a complete different page)
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